Facial Procedures - Reverse the ageing process and compliment your natural beauty.

Breast Procedures - Enhance your natural breast contour to the size and shape you desire.

Body Contouring - Sculpt your body for renewed confidence.

Non-Surgical treatments that take only minutes, can take years off your facial appearance.

Dr Doucas is committed to personalised care and consultation, since our patients' comfort, well-being and safety is our greatest priority. He believes that it is essential that his patients be fully informed about the surgical procedure they are considering, that they know what to expect prior to, during and after surgery and that they understand any risks that may be associated with the procedure.

Dr Doucas likes to see his patients at least twice before surgery, even though only the first consultation is charged for. During these consultations, Dr Doucas translates complex medical conditions and procedures in understandable, non-medical terms, ensuring that patients have a clear understanding of the benefits and risks of the procedure.

It is during this time that patients are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns they may have. Dr Doucas' caring and patient manner creates an environment where patients feel comfortable to discuss their condition or cosmetic aspirations openly and in confidence.

Dr Doucas also treats personalised after-care as a priority. Patients are seen regularly following their surgery and there is no additional fee for these follow-ups. 

If you are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, we invite you to visit our practice in Netcare Linksfield Hospital for a consultation. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a consultation.


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